Friday, September 19, 2008

Not a Lazy Sunday

This past Sunday, The Miami valley area in Ohio experience one of the worst wind storms I’ve ever seen. Hurricane Ike slapped our poor town around like our name was Tina Turner. Here are some of the pictures we took while driving around during the storm to see the damage.

The noise that initially made us go out and investigate the damage was this huge crashing sound right outside our bedroom window. Apparently the window to our neighbors bedroom was blown out and laying in our side yard. Just off camera to the left is our driveway, so I swept all the glass into the yard and we went for a spin during the monsoon.

As soon as we turned the corner we saw this tree split right down the middle. As you can see, the wind was blowing so hard that the tarp is sideways.

I've got three cars behind me and a group of guys in a yard staring me down as I get a picture of their misfortune. I yelled tourist and kept driving.

This poor thing has seen better days

These next set of pictures is all of the same house. It’s one of the biggest in Urbana and it got hit the hardest, the brick fence is over 100 years old.

This was one of the few houses to actually get hit by a tree from their own yard.

Sucks to be them. This made the cover of the Urbana Daily Citizen, America’s only 3 page daily paper.

The Innards of the car tree.

This is the Urbana traffic square, with lights it’s one of the most dangerous intersections in America, without lights it’s a death trap where whoever drives the fastest gets to go first. Never mind the fact that state law requires that any traffic signal not working becomes a four-way stop, these idiots just tear ass right through it.

This is the backyard of the house Megan and I considered buying…Glad we didn’t.

Even in small town America there is still socio economic profiling going on. This is the “Black” street in Urbana. This is posting Friday and as of yet this power line is still not up. The storm came through Sunday afternoon. Wow.

This is the last good picture. This barrel was bouncing all over the place and holding on to that caution tape for dear life, it was kind of funny.

So I hope that everyone had power restored by now. Praise the Lord we never lost power, Jesus knows my dependency on the internet. Nearly everyone in town lost power, and I know that in the back of my mind I know this was nothing compared to what those cats in Texas got.

Give to the Red Cross.


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